Friday, January 18, 2008

How Great

I heard a very cool story about God meeting needs through the church. I thought I would share.

A lady is at home with her 5 children (age 5 and under) waiting for her home to sell. Her husband is half-way across the country working while waiting for the family home to sell so he can be reunited with the wife and kiddies. She looks for a phone number to a restaurant wishing to place a food order because she feels concerns that her husband is not eating well in his temporary digs, and she wants to help him because he is ill with the flu. She reaches out to friends that her husband has met through the church he is attending via e-mail. (I love that this sweet lady identified her need to virtual strangers.) God met her need not in the way she asked which would have been largely dependent on her own resources. Instead, He used the church to extend the care and food needed by this fellow. He arranged for both nourishing meals and transportation to get the food from out in the suburbs into downtown. How great is our God?

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