Saturday, August 23, 2008

In Too Deep

I asked my spouse a question about dogs whelping while we were walking without thinking. He gave me his best answer, and then began to shoot off his own creative variants on ways to say delivering. I was on board with "laboring" and even "birthing", but I was none-too-pleased when he continued to spout tacky phrases typically utilized by the male of the species to describe trips to the toilet where they will be seated. Not awesome. Did I mention that our seven-year-old was along on our evening walk?
Before I could derail the conversation, Erin was off down the path wondering about our dogs having puppies. She was just full of questions. I gave fairly brief to-the-point answers hoping to halt the inevitable. I shot Don a moderately venomous look while hissing that he had the girls confused because he thought we had already covered the basics of boy/girl anatomy... which is true of Middle Child, but most certainly not of the Little Bit! (There was also a decidedly obscene gesture outside of the child's line-of-vision because someone found the situation amusing.) Until today.
We covered the basics from female ova (Don and I were both compelled to specify that the "eggs" were not chicken eggs.) and male sperm to zygote. Asexual vs sexual reproduction and cells that reproduce until specialization kicks in to make assorted cells with specific tasks were particularly intriguing to her. Thankfully, she did not ask how the sperm and the egg manage to hook up in the "baby tummy that is called a uterus which only girls have"! Again, we were walking down the street having this conversation. I just stuck to directly answering her questions.
Naturally, we reached the house just in time to conclude this little adventure in Intro to Biology. The conclusion was the typical caution against sharing one's new knowledge with one's friends. If a friend should ask directly, one may politely respond with, "It would be best if you ask your parents." Should a friend attempt to educate, there has also been a warning to check all information for accuracy with Mom and Dad. Eeeesh. I was so not prepared for this today. I suspect I will be even less prepared in several weeks when we attend my sister-in-law's baby shower. I can only imagine what she might say.

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