Monday, April 5, 2010


Having been much in mind of the last few chapters of Job lately, Easter struck home with thoughts of Christ's resounding triumph over the grave. Death is as natural to man as birth. From first breath, humanity is dying; yet, this most basic course of nature was defeated by Jesus's Resurrection. The very course of Nature designed and put in place by the Creator of the Universe was put aside by Jesus to change the course of humanity that was headed mindlessly over the cliff of destruction like so many lemmings.
What do I know of the natural world? What do I know of the God who set the world into being? Who am I to question any more than Job when faced with tragedy? Standing on the red, dirt of Puerto Lempira being whipped by blowing wind and watching through a chain link fence as fat purple and gray clouds raced one another across the sky on Heaven's breath brought to mind the words of God to Job who dared to question suffering. Considering the slight weight of a too-thin infant in my arms, the idea of a 10 year-old being responsible for his own medical care after sustaining a machete injury, the struggles of a little girl with braids in her hair to breathe, and the many children too small for their ages due to too little nourishment brought into sharp focus Job's anguish. And the response of God asking Job, who dared to question when faced with tragedy, "Where were you?" as the world was set into motion. Something of a Pride Smackdown.
Yes, Lord. Where was I? As occasional fat drops of intermittent rain escaped from the clouds rushing overhead, the wind continued to swirl as thoughts came and went of how little I knew of the realities of daily life in Puerto Lempira. Of how little I would ever know of the fates of the children there. Of how little I knew of the natural sciences. And of how much scientists cannot explain... and how much more those same scholars must retract as time reveals "new" or "changing" information because man fails to comprehend the fullness of God's Creation. We simply lack the power to absolutely comprehend Creation or Creator.
If we cannot understand the forces of nature (Who would not wish to predict a hurricane or an earthquake to prevent injury or loss of life?), then how dare we... I... be so full of pride as to challenge the ills I see as if I could somehow guess at the intentions of God? How do I know the purposes He has for what seems good, bad, or otherwise to me?
In recognition of my lack of perception, there is a measure of freedom regained. In celebration of Easter, there is a renewed appreciation of Christ's ability to overcome what I cannot even comprehend fully, and a renewal of resolve to be a drop in the bucket of relief to a suffering world. Because enough drops in the bucket will eventually overflow.


Anonymous said...

It's so hard to see suffering and not ask God why, isn't it?

Laura said...

Probably need to come back and read this every. other. day. That is just the way life is right now, eh?