Sunday, May 15, 2011


Busy seems to be the order of the day. Everyday. A blue plate special of heaping helpings of assorted appointments, meetings, commitments, and tasks. This is the norm for our household in the Spring, but this year the potential for lighter fare come June has been exchanged for a buffet including a year-round Cross Country schedule, a skater preparing for her first competition (despite the occasional tell-tale "Do-I-have-to..." laments of Spring Fever), the Mister's increasing craziness with work and a church plant launching in three months, the Boy's ongoing saga... and I am heading to Honduras in two weeks. I think it's time to get a bigger plate...


Anonymous said...

You need Rosie the Maid--or a clone! I hear your pain, sister!

czstout said...

Amen sister! Our kids are only 3 and 1 and we feel like our weekends are not our own anymore! It doesn't really help that there are 8 cousins to attend parties for and dinners and baby showers and what not! Life is crazy, but I wouldn't have it any other way :]

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