Sunday, March 29, 2009

Page Turner

The wait for direction continues. The feeling that one is waiting for some intangible, unknowable something remains, but the feeling fails to leave more than a vague impression. And feelings are suspect at best. Feelings frequently reflect emotion, and all too often are subject to governance by response to emotion. That's a dangerous pairing. It brings to mind the thought of a toddler talking to herself in the mirror. And the same child gleefully carrying out her own orders believing that her reflection is somehow the source of brilliant instruction. It is similarly easy to convince oneself that one's own ideas are somehow divine in origin. Because the mind is given to credulousness when following the heart. But scripture remains unchanged, and it is there that I expect to find clarity. There is comfort in the recognition of Truth that remains unchanged.
The mister and I have compared notes on previous times we have felt the compulsion toward something. For each of us, compulsion runs strong, but the specifics of "who", "what", "when", "where", and "how" seldom follow any sort of logic. In fact, whatever we are supposed to be doing frequently defies all logic and reason. That's why we call life an adventure. For this moment we seem to be caught in a chapter that seems to serve no purpose, but later it will likely be proven to have been necessary to build the plot toward the next twist in our tale. One can only imagine what will come as the page turns.


The Big Burbs said...

"It brings to mind the thought of a toddler talking to herself in the mirror. And the same child gleefully carrying out her own orders believing that her reflection is somehow the source of brilliant instruction."

So true. I love the way you've put this.

Laura said...

Great post... and ideas that need to be constantly in the forefront of my mind these days.

Love the reminder and the presentation, too!