Wednesday, February 18, 2009


Crazy. Some leading analyst or other is actually suggesting that the downturn in the economy could lead to a permanent decrease in the standard of living for many Americans. To this, I say, "Y'think?!" For years, the increasingly bloated balloon of consumer debt has covered over more and more of what were once sunny economic skies. Once the monstrous consumer debt resolves through defaults and repayments, there will hopefully emerge a saner, less extravagant economy that can be sustained. Maybe. But first, I predict, there will be a continuation of loss and the accompanying shadow of fear. People are unlikely to re-inflate a sagging economy with spending while forced to consider the grim possibilities of disappearing provision for income, medical care, possessions... whatever is at the heart of one's security.


Anonymous said...

I also think this is a good thing--reality checks are never bad.

Fannie said...

I concur, we've too many folks living beyond their means. When that house of cards collapsed, the saner among us are feeling just a flutter.