Monday, October 27, 2008

Begin Again

Our Sunday evening small group met for the last time. I do not need closure. I need to wedge a door stop in to keep the entry to one another's lives open. There is a deeply rooted need to continue nurturing the relationships with our "current" friends who are slipping quietly into last week while maintaining the ties to those who we already see rarely. Resistant to the idea of "What next?" because I was content with what was, I am unprepared. After meeting weekly for a year, I find my heart invested in these people. Don and I left the last Bible study meeting and drove home talking about the challenges of building long-term relationships in a transient, mobile society.
The world is disposable, and it shows in our relationships. Our landfills are testimony to our lives from plastic diapers to paper plates and fast food wrappers, modern life runs on convenience. Without hopping on the green soapbox, I do protest the carry over of our disposable lifestyle when it comes to relationships. My friends are not starter homes that I will replace with fancier models as I move up to something better, or mirrors with only the appearance of depth, but precious individuals with unique quirks, ideas, thoughts, hopes, dreams, beliefs, and ideas. Each one is a gem regardless of cut, clarity, or setting.
So I proposed to my spouse an idea this morning. Friday night potlucks. By the end of the week no one really wants to cook, and everyone is tired. So I would like to open our home up one Friday a month to welcome our friends be they old, new, or somewhere in between to join us in a simple potluck meal. I'm going to start pitching the idea today to the mommies and see who else likes this thought, but I have an image in my head of regular informal gatherings--- a kaleidoscope of the brightest bits in our lives swirling in and out over the months. Keeping us in touch, and illuminating our home with the brightest lights in our lives. Some months there might be an e-vite, an invite, or a phone call... but entirely random because I have become ever more random myself. Yesterday's questioning and slight sadness at an ending has begun to blossom into the joy of a new beginning.


Anonymous said...

Brilliant! I love that idea!

Our church has mini-churches and the enrollment doesn't change with any legislated frequency which is nice.

I've started a quarterly women's night out at my house to address many of the same issues you're taking on with the pot luck idea.

Laura said...

Fabulous idea! In fact, we'd love to invite ourselves to one of your fiestas! I cannot think of anything I'd rather do at this moment than visit with you, Don and your kiddos.

I love that you blog. It really helps me feel 'connected' to our old friendship.

Fannie said...

We do "Second Saturdays". Host family picks the theme. Much fun ensues.

Leanne said...

That sounds like a GREAT idea. It's sad how people/friends can grow apart....

Perceptions said...

I support your idea!! When's the first pot-luck??