Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Back to School

Weeks ago Katie came to us asking to be home schooled. This request led to considerable prayer, innumerable internet searches, much discussion, and lots of opinions being offered. The great Home School Debate of '08 has come to an end for now in our household. Despite my initial excitement at the idea of spending every day with my daughter(s) rather than sending them off from 8:00 - 3:00, we have come to the decision that home school will not happen this year barring some extreme unforeseen circumstance.
During the time we spent mulling whether or not to home school, one friend realized that she and her husband are called to school their daughters while another continues to consider which route will be best for her girls. There is a measure of wistfulness as I contemplate the fun they will have, and the closeness they will enjoy with their girls as both teachers and parents. There is also a recognition of the freedom they sacrifice and the weight of being solely responsible for their children's educations. Which means I can sincerely cheer them on in their incredible undertaking while still feeling comfortable with dropping off my own duckies in the carpool lane Monday through Friday knowing that should the need to educate them at home arise it can be done well. Ultimately, all parents are teaching and training whether we do it in partnership with a public, private, charter, or home school coop. It is that sense of purpose that I believe ultimately matters more than the method or location.


Anonymous said...

Glad you made a decision and are at peace with it!

mrs bradley said...

Wow, Holly, very well put! We don't feel one way or the other is "correct". It's just nice to know it can be done well either way so that we can make the choice we feel is best for our kids in their very specific and individual circumstances. Glad that decision is behind you for now! mwah!