Thursday, October 30, 2008


Last Saturday I lost my voice. And last Saturday evening I got my hair cut. (I do not recommend this.) The stylist repeated back my desires word-perfect, so I figured the lack of voice was a non-issue. Except that the words may not have meant what I thought they meant. I returned home with a good three to four inches less hair than intended. I went to sleep freaked out over my new Bad Hair. Fortunately, the poufing resultant from extreme loss-of-length receded with the applications of a well-placed blow-dryer and hair gel.It's taken a year and a half to grow out the auburn home color (see "fat" picture above left from 5/2007) and long locks favored for close to two decades (middle photo, 10/2008), but after the shorter-than-intended cut, the natural shade has almost regained dominance. I present the progression from hefty with hippy hair to present-day Mom-ness. While the new 'do is entirely unintentional, I have decided that I like it despite the inability to pull it up in a ponytail on lazy... er, busy days!


Fannie said...

Well, I think the shorter cut is very flattering.

Anonymous said...

I think you look terrific. YOu have great hair.