Tuesday, January 13, 2009

Sea Monkeys

Oh, brother. Once my eyes rolled down out of the back of my head, I could hardly wait to read the story showcasing the latest remarkable act by People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals. Since people just love puppies and kittens, the brain trust has come up with their latest plan to save the critters. This time around, they are not flinging paint on fur-clad actresses, setting the caged bunnies loose in the wild, or photographing naked models (who will, ahem, later be busted wearing once-live pelts...). The organization is... oh.... here come the giggles again... and I say this with an almost straight face: PETA is "rebranding" fish. As "sea kittens". I think the people over at PETA may actually be descended from monkeys. It really is the only logical explanation.


Lori said...

yummmmm, sea kittens, good eatin'.

B said...

I'm a vegetarian, and even I think this is ridiculous. What's next? Calling pigs, mud puppies? Good grief!