Sunday, January 25, 2009

Seeking Distraction

Hmmm. How to continue to avoid the ever more obvious need to clean out and clear up the mountains o' paper currently inhabiting my desk? This weekend's shampooing, comb-outs, and mass hot water laundering and disinfecting have been an ideal distraction from the need to shred, toss, follow-up on, and file. (It's the "follow-up" pile that gets a girl into trouble. Who needs a whole new to-do list?!) Dusting blinds or ceiling fans could be moved up to the head of "Stuff To Do To Avoid The Desk". That could buy another couple of hours of avoidance. Perhaps cleaning out the horror show of the hall closet would eat another hour or two? There's a boy in the house, so the bathroom certainly needs scrubbing. That would bring the clock up to the crossroads of get ready for the coming week and make dinner.
Eventually, I will have to confront the piles of paper. That, or be shoveled out from under them when one eventually topples and buries me at the computer. While procrastination has been an ideal way to keep from accomplishing an unpleasant task, the time has come to sort and clear since adding a dozen or so sheets while clearing three or four per day has resulted in the current backlog. Alright already. I'll get right on that... after church. Or after lunch. Unless I am doing something (anything) else.
Hours later...
Score! Clearly today was not the day for all that yucky paper jockeying. No, no, no. Following our attendance at the latest possible church service, there was a surprising turn of events which totally precluded (Woo-Hoo!) my dusting, potty cleaning, or paper shuffling. All three children had invites to go elsewhere. Elsewhere as in somewhere else where the mister and I were not. Even as thoughts of lunch danced in my head, one of the mothers carrying away part of the home brood intimated that a nap might be in order for the unexpectedly childless hours on this prime Sunday afternoon. (She did not have to listen to my stomach growl throughout the service like the mister, but she does know of my often unfulfilled penchant for naps.) Instead we had a surprise date--- lunch out sans the lovies. Good food, uninterrupted conversation about inconsequential things, and the oh-happy-day fun of staring at the mister is SO much better than jumping on chores I'd rather ignore. Definitely calls for at least a second Woo-Hoo!


Anonymous said...

I feel your pain a paper bomb has gone off on my desk and I also need to start new folders for 2009 so I have filed nothing for the month of January - but dusting rarely moves to the top of my list just another chore I hate to do. R

Leanne said...

I give that a second Woo Hoo! I'm a little behind on the paper work on my desk too. Okay, I'm a lot behind. Let me know when we're geting to that.

Anonymous said...

A date ALWAYS trumps work in my house too!