Thursday, February 5, 2009


Ugh. Today was an infusion day. Like December, we waited an extra week to run the infusion. In December the wait was due to a combination of holidays and the need to push back the January date since we would be changing insurance with the advent of New Job. Then the actual insurance change occurred, but we needed to wait for approval from the insurance company for the treatment the M.D. prescribes. It seems ridiculous that insurance companies have the power to determine treatment over a doctor's orders unless one wishes to pay entirely out of pocket. (Grrr.) The insurance company needed an extra week to make their determination. Then it was necessary to wait for a spot in the nurse's schedule long enough for her to run the i.v. which saw us at the end of the first week in February having entirely skipped January.
At least the infusion is done for the next four weeks. And this one was not bad. I slept through the thing except for taking vital signs every half an hour and a sweet friend stopping by to drop off a card, book, and magazine as incentives to rest today. Those moments of lucidity were brief, and once the i.v. was stopped I just crawled into bed to sleep away the afternoon and the Benadryl. This evening finds me crazy tired, and generally whiny because I am tired. This will hopefully pass in the next couple of days along with the unwelcome nausea and headaches that so often accompany the IVIG. (The squeamish should stop reading here.) Especially the tummy troubles because the mister kindly brought me home pistachio muffins this morning (They're like crack. Seriously.), but they are way less enticing the second time around.That solves one particular danger to my waistline because the very thought of those muffins makes me gag.

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