Feeling particularly pitiful with my red, frozen feet and hands (despite layered gloves and socks) after this morning's walk, the weather on the net held a special sort of appeal. Reading that some communities face an extended time with no power, there was a prayer of thanksgiving on my lips for our fully functional heating system and appliances. (I could beat laundry against a rock in the creek/drainage ditch to get them clean, but the coffee maker is kind of a needful thing.) My Dad chose precisely that moment to call from his car. Because he is in the northern mountains of Arkansas. His temperature is a few degrees higher than ours, but he and Mother have been without power for heat, cooking, or light since Tuesday. Sitting in the car with the engine running allowed for a source of warmth, and gave him the chance to charge his dead cell phone. I asked if they could come south to enjoy the modern conveniences, but they are essentially trapped by the ice and downed trees.
I will never, ever willingly live in the woods in the mountains. I also know better than to proclaim that particular thought out loud while my parents shiver in their home heating water in a fish fryer to make instant oatmeal this morning. (Before the image becomes too dire, they do have a fire going and an apparently endless supply of downed trees.) Here's hoping that power will be restored to those experiencing outages sooner rather than later.