Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Tidbits: Expiration

  • I cleaned out the fridge. "There are starving children in Africa/China..." ran through my head as a wrinkled bell pepper, fuzzy grapes, and a bottle of French Salad Dressing (Best By AUG0811) were revealed hiding out in the nether regions of the fridge. At least there were several items discovered approaching the toss date that have been moved up on the mental priority list for use.
  • A letter from the Department of Public Safety states that my driver's license must be presented at the local DPS for renewal. Pleasant Suburb's DPS is legendary for the inefficiency of its staff and the length of the line to conduct any sort of business. Avoiding that office is one of the reasons my big kids do not drive. I'm not sure that I intend to continue driving if it means going to the DPS.
  • Perfect has not yet asked Middle Child to the Winter Formal. Despite the back-up dress in the closet, there is still time to order the pretty, pretty princess dress online (Now Sale-priced!) if an invitation is issued by Friday. After that, we'll just be waiting to take back the shredded mullet dress within the 30-day window for returns if the dance is not added to Middle Child's calendar.


Leanne said...

Ha. The license office here is a mess too. Oh, and I CAN'T believe he hasn't asked her to the formal yet!! Men. Grumph.

Anonymous said...

took Joe up to the DPS up north was pleasantly surprised on 12 people in line in front of us even though it was after 9AM was bitterly dissappointed that it still took almost 2 hours after the long drive

Anonymous said...

Perfect better get off the stick and ask her already!!!
Now you've reminded me that I should probably go clean out my fridge...