Wednesday, May 7, 2008


The boy's bike literally fell apart on the way to school yesterday. This was not particularly surprising since our 125 lb. son was cruising along on a bike the same size as his seven-year-old sister's... We have been hoping daily to replace the busted bike that we knew was at the end of its usable life.
Unfortunately, the boy has had a series of behavioral issues that have prevented us from providing a new bike (or even a used one) because we can't really reward him on a day when we discover he has forged a permission slip, blatantly lied to us, or some other act of willful disobedience has occurred. Don and I keep hoping we will have a day when Evan manages to avoid any discipline issues so we can set him up with new wheels.
Evan actually knows that Mom and Dad want to replace his wonky two-wheeler with a new and improved bike for his riding pleasure. Yet he still continues to foolishly get himself into situations that are going to result in our feeling that we cannot replace the busted bike because such an act would reek of reward.
Maybe today will be the day because there's a very cool bike that practically has his name written on it just waiting...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh dear, it's tough when the bike breaks. That's a "necessity" to childhood, isn't it?