Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Wake Up

I woke to the familiar everyday sounds of our household on a school day. The clicking of doggie claws on the floors, the patter of cat feet chasing invisible nothings, Evan asking if it is time to leave for school yet, the girls squabbling over something that won't matter later, Don typing away at the keyboard as his rumbling voice responds to the children, the ceiling fan whirring overhead, and the sound of wind in the trees outside all blend to inform my lazy mind that I really ought to get up. Instead, I remain tangled in the bedding listening. I soak up the ordinary sounds that I will likely not hear for many days.
Tomorrow I expect to be heading out the door to pick up Lisa at about the same time of day that I opened my eyes this morning. We'll make the run back to the house for Don. The girls will be dropped off at a friend's house until time to leave for school while Don, Lisa, and I begin the adventure of navigating through morning traffic to reach the airport. The following day I expect to be half a world away in Poznan as my family emerges from their night's rest. It will be many days before I have the opportunity to savor the mundane again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

How nice to savor those familiar sounds and smells before you leave them for a while!