Monday, December 29, 2008

If You Can't Say Anything Nice

They are mighty cute without the soundtrack of constant arguing.
Unless one is really intrigued by Eleanor of Aquitaine, the Mr.'s travel plans, how tired I am of the insurance carrier's stupidity, or my medical junk--- my conversation leaves much to be desired today. Instead I figure it's going to be a day or three of picture posts...
I think I am going to have to go back to Target for a grown-up pair of either the pink kitty p.j.s featured in today's photos or maybe the red sock monkey/ gingerbread house ones because I would have a laugh just looking at them. They are bound to be on super clearance if there are any left. One can only imagine the ha-has to be had in actually wearing such things.


Lori said...

Now, THAT would be a picture!! Actually, I've wondered if they make big girl pj's like those. Do they for real?

Anonymous said...

Sometimes pictures say it all.

Holly (me.) said...

Target has the jammies, and they are currently 30% off. Not much left in the pjs, but plenty of robes for Mamas.