Sunday, December 28, 2008

Running Time

Whoo-Hoo!!! There is already a bonus involved in switching infusions. The new medication will only require about 2/3 of the volume that the previous IVIG involved. It can also be infused (run through the I.V.) at a higher rate of speed if tolerated. Infusion times could be cut to a mere two or two and a half hours. And the hour with the nurse hanging out preparing the medication for administration (because the new one comes in a liquid form that will not have to be rehydrated) will not be necessary any longer. Welcome news all around.
We will start the thing tomorrow morning at 7:00. And if all goes well, it will be done around 10:00--- the same time we usually manage to start the actual I.V. with nurses arriving at 8:30! It's a good night to let the kids stay up late so they can miss out on most of the procedure, and they might just sleep through the majority. I wonder if this medication might not have as many side effects... and if maybe it will be less expensive? Here's to hoping!

1 comment:

Fannie said...

Sending good thoughts in your direction - hope all goes well!