Saturday, July 19, 2008


There is a cobweb swaying in the breeze from my ceiling fan. If the fan stops moving, I will be able to see the grey accumulation of fluffy ick on the edges of the blades. That, and the Texas heat, are all the reason I need to keep those fan blades spinning. Theoretically, I could snag a duster and do away with both the cobweb and the fluff. It would also indicate that I can find nothing better to do with my time than dust.
This post is not for the neatnick. That soul would not last long here. Our house is organized, and the kitchen is clean, but my floors are not a place where one would ever want to apply the five second rule. (If you never apply the five-second rule, you should go to Hints from Heloise now... this post is not for you.) There are some things that I choose to ignore in the interest of doing things that are more meaningful in the greater scope of the universe. The household chores are always available, and while they they will be more time-consuming if left for later, the tasks will still be at hand tomorrow while I might miss out on something important if those chores become too much of a priority.
A friend gave a perfect example of this ideology: her family of six moved into a home, and there were boxes everywhere begging to be unpacked so they could see to the daily trivialities of sleeping on sheets, cooking in pans, and eating on dishes. Rather than unpack, and begin to turn the new house into their home, the family took the unusual opportunity of having a home decorated in "Cardboard Box" and "Maze" to play Hide & Seek. I believe they ate pizza off of paper plates. That's my kind of Mom.
Those types of opportunities come along, and I want to take them rather than being a slave to my housework. That said, I do know the chores must be done. So today we will play a little catch-up around here. The laundry, the dishes, the floors, the potties, and the dusting are all waiting... I guess I'll even flip off the fan while it is still relatively cool.


dabshire4 said...

And yet, amazingly, some chores DO happen to get done around here....


Must be the little farries that live here, ya think?

Holly (me.) said...

Perhaps the spelling fairies could help us solve this mystery...

Anonymous said...

Plus there's something rather satisfying about cleaning a REALLY grody bathroom or mopping a SUPER sticky floor, isn't there?