Friday, July 11, 2008

Not the Mama

Today I went over to a friend's house to stay with two of her children while their Daddy headed up to the hospital to check out both my friend and the couple's newborn. The third-time new mother had prepared a brilliantly drafted list of helpful hints for the care and feeding of her two elder daughters (ages 2 and 4) during the absence of their mother. It was titled "Yikes! I have the ____ Girls. Now what do I do?" In several pages, my pal had very helpfully covered everything from potty habits to discipline. I consulted her outline on caring for the wee ones and saw that it would be lunch time while the Daddy was out. I prepared some macaroni and cheese, and threw a couple of little cups of applesauce in my bag just in case the girls were hungry.
As I left my house I called the Daddy to let him know that I was running a few minutes behind, but that I was bringing the girls a simple lunch. He said that was perfect because the girls had just been asking for something to eat. (I told him how his awesome wife had covered this detail well in advance.) I arrived at the house and let myself in per the Daddy's instructions. I prepared the girls' plates without seeing or hearing anyone, so I called for the girl to come to the kitchen for lunch.
The little one gave a whoop and came tearing into the living room yelling "Mama! Mama! Mama!". Ooh. Whoops! Not the Mama. She was so dejected to see not her Mama, but just some imposter Mama with her lunch. Poor baby! I settled both girls at the table, and brought their plates and drinks to them feeling like a total heel. "Your Mama will be home very soon--- and she will be bringing your sister, too!" I promised.
Suddenly I had a light bulb go on in my head. My camera was in my shoulder bag, and I had taken photos of the girls' Mama and their new sister the night before at the hospital. I pulled out the camera and set it on the table. I picked out a photo of Mama and her newest wee one and set the camera with the photo on the LCD screen on the table across from the new big sisters. The two-year-old solemnly informed me and her big sister that she was wearing a shirt "like Mama's...", which her sister confirmed with , "Yes! They are both GREEN! The same green!" After that, everything was fine.
I exhausted the camera battery so the girls could have lunch with their Mama. I meant to take pictures of the proud parents entering their home with the newest addition for the first time. My best intentions were not what was needed today. I am sure that photos of the baby's trip home would be nice, but there is nothing as precious as those little girls who thoroughly enjoyed lunch with their Mama in the final hour of her absence.

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