Thursday, August 7, 2008


There are few things better than a cookie in my book. The obvious answer as to what those few things might be is "another cookie", but today we are enjoying the even better "free cookie". (I will also enjoy another one when the kids are not looking. It's good to be queen.) I earned these cookies by hitting not one, but three grocery stores yesterday in order to slash our grocery bill for the week with all sorts of specials. (The three stores are all within a mile or so of our house. There was no cross-country driving to suck up the savings on gasoline.) With both girls in tow, I found myself singing the "No" chorus so familiar to Moms everywhere as we cruised past the many and varied goodies proffered for sale.
I hesitated and nearly caved when Katie showed me the giant Snickerdoodle cookies on the thrift cart at one market, but after reading the label, I had to pass since one cookie had 300 calories. I also staunchly refused to buy the yummy little Goldfish crackers on sale 3/$5. I was exercising fiscal responsibility and good stewardship. It was the third stop where I finally caved. Read on before assigning blame for giving in to the wants and wishes of my darlings and my own cravings. Goldfish crackers were "Buy One Get One Free!" which dropped the 3/$5 price by a full third making my detail-oriented, cheapskate heart go pitter-pat. Then I saw the in-store coupons. Ooooh! Buy three bags of Goldfish crackers and receive a free (discount taken at check-out, nothing to mail in) bag of Pepperidge Farm cookies. Oh.
I felt my resolution evaporate as I stared at a bag of Pepperidge Farm Milk Chocolate Chunk Macadamia cookies. For those gentle readers unable to master the obvious, I was definitely going to take home my FREE (!) cookies. Purchasing only the required three bags of crackers for cookie coupon redemption, would mean leaving behind a free bag of crackers. That would be silly. With the tally already at four bags of Goldfish, what was the purchase price of one more bag to earn a third free bag of crackers and a second free bag of cookies? Who would pass up such a deal?! My reason is flawed, but I really don't care because I have not one, not a measly two, but 16 free cookies. It's good math when $6.50 brings home six bags of Goldfish and two bags of yummy cookies.


Anonymous said...

Those Pepperidge Farms Cookies are the killer for me too - Milk Chocolate Milano's are my weakness. I haven't had one since December 29th of 2007. It's the only food that I just had to totally give up once I went on my "final diet" I know I have to eat the entire bag if I buy them, so I've cast them out of my life. (sadly)

Fannie said...

Meh. I prefer my fat salted.