Sunday, March 22, 2009


The Boy chose a chess cake for birthday number fourteen. I am considering a nervous breakdown after hearing that he can legally work as a bag boy down at corner market. Where he can earn money to save toward car insurance so he can get a learner's permit in 366 days.
The hilarious part is that he would be legal to drive next year with his permit in hand and his mother in the car. I'm not sure what brilliant legal mind decided that a child would somehow be a safer driver with adult supervision considering that said "adult" is likely the parent who owns the car and the auto insurance policy. Things to ponder in the coming year.


Fannie said...

Years ago a wise friend told us "don't save for college - save for auto insurance"!

Anonymous said...

Many happy returns, though! He looks so sweet:)

The Big Burbs said...

He looks very thoughtful here. Do you think he could be contemplating the same notion as yours? ;)