Tuesday, February 5, 2008


Evan received a book for Christmas, loved it, and bought the sequel himself. The books are about a kid hero who is being kept from his warrior powers by a lady who medicates him. His parents don't realize the medicine is squelching the mighty hero-ness right out of the boy, so he has to find a way to keep from taking the medicine. Uh-oh.
Don and I kept meaning to run Evan's psychiatric medication prescription to the pharmacy for filling over the weekend. It wouldn't hold him for long because this one was for the dose he took prior to his last dose increase. I have irresponsibly misplaced that one... or so I thought. (Maybe I did. It would not surprise me either way.) I planned to take him for an appointment to ask for a new prescription in the interim. The weekend passed with Don and I consistently leaving the house without the prescription.
Don wanted the prescription filled yesterday when I made a run out to pick up some necessary items for Katie (who woke at 3 o'clock in the morning in the grip of a stomach flu) and myself (trying to function despite standard-issue sinus infection that is trying to move into my chest). The prescription was nowhere to be found. I just wanted to crawl back in bed, so I went on to the store without the scrip thinking I could have it filled along with the antibiotic that was surely in my future. After searching the house from one end to the other, Evan's prescription turned up. It was torn into pieces.
I will be driving my son to a doctor's appointment at 9:00 this morning so he can be given another prescription. Prescriptions outside of appointments incur a $100 fee, and the boy was about due to go in anyway. I sincerely hope this will be a quick appointment because the boy will be missing school, and I don't really need to be out running around.

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