Monday, February 18, 2008

Pound of Flesh

Okay, so probably not so much a "pound of flesh" as way less than an ounce. Don and I had our dermatologist visits today. She picked out yucky spots on each of us. His is a big ol' mole off his chest that is probably nothing to cause later concern because it has been there forever. (If that one is made up of "changing" cells, then he would probably have many more. Let's just say he's had it for the last going on 14 years, and I have not seen it change one iota.) My spot is a teensy little thing off the back of my knee. (Enough yucky spots have been removed from me in the last few years that it's getting harder for her to find anything big enough to bother removing.) We made an appointment for two weeks out to return to the office for our pathlogy reports. Hopefully we don't hear the "m" word again, but if she does turn up another spot of the nasty melanoma then she'll just have to remove it.
My son has just swung a tied off sack of Maggie's doody onto the roof. *sigh* I will be ending on that slightly ridiculous note to go assist... er, watch Don retrieve said doody.

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