Friday, February 15, 2008


I've heard it said that "If you want to make God laugh, just tell him your plans." I like that. I am a world-class planner. I love my lists. I have lists for everything. Some are actual hard copies, others are stuck in Word on the computer, and many more are just in my head. The ones in my head are those I am considering today. I would like to start making Poland lists, but it is not time to do that yet. Even though my calendar says that it ought to be time, the reality is that there are too many unanswered questions for any further action toward travel to be taken. I am ready for it to be time because that would help me feel like I am DOING something. All the more reason for there to be a lack of revelation since this is not about me. God tends to remove all other options so I will pray; otherwise, I am easily distracted by the action points and planning sessions that I like too well.

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