Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Attention Deficit

With all the busy-ness of the last few weeks, it feels reasonable to boycott productivity in these final days before Christmas. Still, there are a few last minute gifts to pick up. With that in mind, there was a quick stop at Mega Mart to pick up a couple of pairs of chenille socks and yummy lotion to pair with them.
Except there had been prodigious coffee consumption prior to the stop. Deciding that concentration on the lotion choices would go better without the extra distraction, I zipped into the restroom. The dash to the stall didn't leave time to look around. Exiting the stall I noticed something odd. Urinals on the wall. Oh.but.no.


Jan Touchberry said...

Oh my gosh!! That is hillarious!

Laura said...

Hee hee hee and a ho ho ho!

Anonymous said...

NOOOOO! You are too busy! I'm sure no one noticed.

czstout said...

LOL, that's the funniest thing ever :)