Monday, November 12, 2007


I think the kitty may be brain damaged. She chews on electronics. She perches on the top of the bedroom door. She thinks the tail of a 90 lb male lab is a toy and that the dog it's attached to is her "snuggle buddy". Don just returned her to me after he found her... in the oven. Most disturbing, she does not flee the children. That is not the brightest kitty.

I do not really know why we have added the kitty to our menagerie. We pull into the church parking lot to retrieve Miss Katie who is volunteering in the nursery playing with babies. She climbs into the car and Don spies the sign reading "Free Kittens". The free kitten needed litter, a box, a too-big collar she has yet to grow into, a litter scoop, more food, a kitty dish... and she needs shots and fixin'. The jury is still out on whether or not she will keep her claws.

It took several days to arrive at her name. There were many suggestions from the oh-so-original "Kitty" and "Cat" to the spice family of Cinnamon, Nutmeg, etc. (I started to wish we had brought home the black kitten that was missing part of its foot so we could call it "Lucky".) I thought maybe "Brin" since the cat was a brindle, and Don suggested "Fender". Eventually it became obvious to me--- and I was doing the naming--- that the hairball's name was "Bella". She looks a bit like a "Bellatrix", but since the Harry Potter character was evil we're saying it's based on Spain's Queen Isabella as in the mother of Katherine of Aragon (Henry VIII's first wife) and the grandmother of Bloody Mary.


dabshire4 said...


Holly (me.) said...

NO, Love. Kitty. One kitty. Lose the plural, please. The single kitty attacked me in the potty this a.m. She wants to remain an only kitty.