Thursday, December 6, 2007


Each month Evan and his buddies from the social skills group (referred to as the Super Friends in the interest of privacy) go by bus to a store where they have the opportunity to make some sort of snack. Today's cooking class was a holiday party for cookie decorating. Evan and a neighbor boy used up most of the candy decorations for the cookies. (Or maybe not, since the reporter of this news was admittedly occupied with eating frosting while the so-called candy overuse was occurring.) The boys had a great time, and they were very proud of their creations as they emerged following class with their colorfully decorated cookies. One of the highlights of my day was definitely checking out the finished cookies as several of the boys presented their creations.
Evan's interest in cooking, thanks in part to the classes, has recently brought him into our kitchen. I happily assigned him a task the other day as I was hurrying to get a corn casserole into the oven to bake. I sent him to the pantry for corn muffin mix. No problem. I sent him back for creamed corn and whole kernel corn. That took some discussion. ("It's not in a box, Bud. Look in the cans." "It's in two separate cans." "...because one is creamed corn and the other is still in the whole kernel form." "I don't know who came up with the term "creamed".) Then I told him to open the corn. The boy had no clue how to work a manual can opener. Evan was completely flummoxed by the thing. My guy had never been shown how to use the contraption. (I am glad he knew which do-hickey was the can opener. I have been remiss in teaching the kid his way around the kitchen.) Once he was shown how to clamp it on the can, he did just fine. Needless to say, Evan will be given more opportunities in the kitchen. He's a good helper, and I suspect he will continue to show interest in kitchen duty now that he has noticed his sisters not having to help with laundry (2nd most-hated chore after making the bed based on futility) because they are assisting with dinner.

1 comment:

Laura said...

Happy Cooking Evan! And congrats Mom for moving into yet another stage of growth where your almost-man can take some of the load off!

Life is good...