Sunday, December 2, 2007

Raining Shoes

We've had several situations where we were "waiting for the other shoe to drop". Apparently it's time for all the shoes to drop at once. I'm feeling overwhelmed.
Lay-offs at the Mama Company (As usual, names have been changed to protect the innocent... or just those who might sue. Either way.). One lost from Don's group, but it was thankfully not him. He goes to lunch with the Powers That Be from his second job today. The offer we have dreaded for a full-time job will be made today. If he does not take the full-time position, he may be out of the second job which represents 1/3 of our total income. It is unlikely the smaller company can come anywhere near the types of benefits the Mama Company offers employees, although they will likely be able to offer a better salary. Potential for uh-oh. Either way, he still works from home.
The boy is still ticked off at the therapist, but he did talk to him yesterday. (I'll take the improvement gladly.) Today is the ARD meeting, and he goes back to see the doctor after school. We shall see how that all plays out.
We'll be switching infusion companies again. Mama Co.'s insurance has decreed that the provider they switched me to this year won't do for next year. That means new approvals for the meds and the nurse. It also means learning a new company's protocols, and it means getting used to a new stranger in our house. It's a bit of a headache.

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