Wednesday, April 16, 2008

D Word

"D" words. Words that start with "D". There are a few loaded terms that can shake a family (or a society) to its roots. Drugs. Death. These are words that start with "D". Yesterday Miss Katie reported on the way home from school the introduction of just such a word. Divorce. She has had a friend or two who came from families where Mom and Dad had previously divorced. This is the first time she has been needed to care for and support a friend during a divorce. She was a bit subdued, but she eventually bubbled over spilling out the sorry details as reported by her friend.
It's a classic tale of He said/She said with this young lady and her brother caught in the middle while Mom and Dad wrangle over the sorts of things that erode a marriage, as well as the scene-stealing final act that brought down the house. I tell Katie that she needs to keep her friends tale of woe and dismay private, and caution her to please not repeat the words her friend entrusts to her. I also listen, because there is some scary stuff for not-quite-eleven-year-old ears and hearts to hear. Moms and Dads can fight, and sometimes they don't make up. Sometimes they not only let the sun go down on their disagreements, but they pull down the shades, lock all the doors, and close themselves up in a lonely, bitter world.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

that is a horrifying word. I remember the first time Mr. T asked us about it. Your advice was sage.