Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Waiting Places

Waiting places are what they are. The term "Waiting Place" is from a Dr. Seuss book my Mom gave me titled Oh, The Places You'll Go! as a graduation gift. In the book, the waiting places don't look like very fun places, but looks can be misleading. Waiting Places are filled with questions, anticipation, hopes, dreams, and the occasional trickle of fear or stab of anxiety. (I know those last two are not what Christ calls me to, but they still happen.) There are so many avenues that I could go down right now, but I am not sure which direction will be the route I take out of this Waiting Place. (Yes, I know that is cryptic, but the decisions to be made are in the hands of people who have better motives and more wisdom than I... and I need to keep my mouth shut in public forums like the internet until given permission to speak.) The very existence of many possibilities and the very uncertainty of what lies ahead is what makes a Waiting Place exciting.

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