Friday, March 28, 2008


There have been a rash of serious illnesses and deaths this week. I feel off kilter, and I find myself grieving for the losses others fear or are enduring. Each new report of yet another loss beginning with a young family we know from our previous church home to Don's boss's sister-in-law and Katie's favorite teacher's sister. The reports keep coming. The serious illnesses faced by loved ones and those closest to them are daunting--- from upcoming polysyllabic back surgery for one friend's father to cancers and heart trouble. I keep praying, and I keep hoping. I am feeling a little battered right now, but our little immediate family is not facing the trials confronting so many others so I can better devote myself to prayers for those who need to be lifted up.

Despite the craziness, we have a batch of Evan's buddies coming for an overnight as a belated celebration of Evan's 13th birthday. I am having difficulty giving the planned party the necessary attention when there are so many difficult situations confronting those we love. I'm not feeling 100% either thanks to damp weather that plays mean games with my joints and a cough that won't go away.

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