Friday, March 7, 2008


That was fast. Fresh from the John study with the thoughts tumbling around in my head of what God has been doing in my life over the past seven weeks, I discover an e-mail from Shelley. She sent prayer triggers for the team in preparation for our trip.

Operation: Prayer SURGE!
Prayer Triggers
When you see: Pray for:
1. Fruit/Veggies Spiritual fruit in Poland
2. Clothing stores Poles to be clothed in righteousness
3. Schools Knowledge of God’s Truth to spread
4. Statues Tearing down spiritual strongholds

I have printed out multiple copies. I'll be sticking these up in the places I will see often like the computer desk, the fruit basket, the bathroom mirror, and my truck. Even if I do not necessarily see many statues, I will be thinking of these prayer needs. How exciting to think of our team (and that includes you!) praying together in the coming days from many locations for the Poles and our own communities to see the spread of the gospel. That's just nifty.

I needed a lift this morning. I was giving myself grief over my crummy mood yesterday. Guilt really has no place in my life. I love the way that I was reminded of the peace and freedom that are mine through Christ even while receiving requests for others who need that very thing! God's timing is always just exactly right.

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