Friday, March 28, 2008

Just Say No

Bella appears to have ingested a people pill. (The photo is from last week--- not today.) Don found a prescription bottle belonging to our son overturned with one mangled pill on the floor this morning around 9:00. He commented that he hoped none of the animals had gotten into the pills. The furballs all seemed fine when we headed out to the grocery store to stock up on food for the Boy's overnight.
At noon, Bella was not fine. She was yowling and purring. (A sick or frightened kitty will purr to comfort itself... Purring not just a contented kitty noise.) Bad Bella was also badly off balance and her eyes looked weird. We called the vet with our suspicions, and then made the drive over to the office with Bella howling down the moon over the car ride.
We are hoping Bella ingested less than a whole capsule because one capsule of that medication will be fatal to a 7.75 pound cat. She is holding her own right now with an I.V. to keep her blood pressure up. If she survives this misadventure, the boy will likely be read the riot act on being VERY, VERY careful to always close the lid on his meds securely. If she doesn't survive, we will be doing everything possible to avoid the topic of exactly what made Bella "sick".


dabshire4 said...
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dabshire4 said...

I need to restate my previous comment (it was
"Stupid cat.")...

Stupid cat, who cost tme $400.

Holly (me.) said...

She's a more valuable kitty than she was before her misadventure.