Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Quiz Show

Blogthings are an excellent waste of time. Today's offering asks if you can pass 8th Grade science. I am relieved to say that, yes, I can. I scored 8/8--- give it a whirl.

Should you cruise the site and find yourself taking the "What Kind of Sandwich Are You?" quiz, I am looking for a ham sandwich because it's supposed to be the match for my turkey. (I took it twice in case my second-choice answers could affect my sandwich alter ego.) If you are tuna fish... you are my new nemesis. In fact, let me make it easy for you:

EDIT: There. That's the link for the Sandwich Quiz.


Anonymous said...

Ha! I am, in fact, said ham sandwich. I find this greatly amusing. (Oh, and you have the science quiz link twice,I had to google the sandwich quiz.)


Holly (me.) said...

Don is his own worst enemy. He's a grilled cheese, but his second-choice answers show up as a ham sandwich.