Thursday, January 24, 2008


After looking up Polish recipes on-line yesterday, I was ready for a little bit of culinary adventure today. Sylvia suggested German fare for lunch at the Bavarian Grill. Sylvia is well-traveled enough to be able to vouch for authenticity and explain the differences I might see in Polish fare. I am not an adventurous eater, so this was a major leap for me.
The plate of assorted salads made of entirely recognizable cucumber, green bean, tomato, cabbage, and beets was a reassuring start. Sylvia had ordered all sorts of nifty things. I can now say I have tried and like spaetzle, schnitzel, and something that was a sausage. We topped off our meal with black forest cake and coffee.
Sylvia attempted to help me with the correct pronunciations of the foods we had eaten. Languages are just not my strong suit despite the incredibly fun words. I was very taken with a word that started with an "L" that we saw on some signs. It meant airport, but I don't remember what it was exactly. Sylvia suggested that I attempt languages like German or Spanish for my fledgling forays outside of English.
It was an entertaining afternoon with Sylvia sharing her experiences and me just soaking it in. I'm not quite ready for herring and sour cream together or travel outside the suburbs yet, but we're making progress!


Perceptions said...

herring and sour cream?? that must be German. In Poland, it's herring packed into a solid gelatin... or sometimes without gelatin and with mayo. Either way, I don't get with-in 10 feet of that stuff, so don't worry- you won't have to either! We'll be eating pierogies and kielbasa, maybe some bigos. As much as bigos looks a little scary, it's actually quite tasty! I can't wait till y'all are here!! Like the pregnant woman analogy, I have to remind myself to focus on the team coming in March instead of planning all the details already for May and forgetting the details for March, haha!

Holly (me.) said...

That's a relief. I am so glad the sour cream and herring stuff can be filed away as a "Don't believe everything you read on the internet." thing. I think I will want to stay away from herring in gelatin, too... with or without mayo. I don't think I am too likely to try fish jello without starvation as a motivation.