Tuesday, January 8, 2008


The girls were making fun of Evan last night for quintessential middle school male behavior after they found me in the bathroom leaning against the vanity to closely examine signs of age in the mirror. Apparently he has taken to leaning toward the bathroom mirror (in a similar manner to my own) stroking his upper lip to be sure the moustache he is growing remains while exclaiming over its continued existence. (I have not seen this so-called moustache. There is nothing hairy resting between the boy's upper lip and nose that is visible to the naked eye.) He would be wise to close the door to engage in this sort of behavior since he has a trio of big-mouthed females in his immediate family to report on just this sort of potentially embarrassing activity.
I find it doubly amusing that the same trio of females have certain similar tendencies. We all spend a measure of time examining side views in the mirror for signs of outward or upward expansion. One admits to frequent self-checks for "weird things". (Yes, that is a direct quote.) The third admits to frequently checking for signs of southern migration, grey hair, wrinkles, zits, moles, and any sign of unwanted facial hair. (I wonder how many of those qualify as "weird things"?)

1 comment:

dabshire4 said...

I didn't know you were trying to grow a mustache too...