Sunday, January 20, 2008


I am touched by the e-mail responses I received from Shelley Adler & Joan Stockdale this afternoon. God never fails to amaze me. He tells me to pray for Poland. I do. He keeps telling me to pray for Poland. I do. I also start reading Shelley Adler's blog. I contact Shelley's sister to ask about needs for the ministry team in Poland. I still pray for Poland. It still feels like too little despite my BIG God. I pray, e-mail the ministry team, and send out an e-mail asking people to pray for Poland, post the "Poznan" entry on this blog, and continue to pray.
This afternoon I hear from Joan & Shelley. I know how BIG my God is in my own limited way. I easily forget that it's an amazing testimony to Him that I have any idea how big... or how difficult that idea can be to grasp. Shelley says, "... everyone at church this morning was encouraged, as well as a little surprised I think! The Poles seemed pleasantly surprised that God had put their country on an American's heart all the way on the other side of the world! Of course, we know our God is that big and we have these international experiences often as missionaries, but I think for the Poles it was a whole new concept for them- that God is bigger than just Poland! Thanks for your prayers and for sending my email on to others who will also pray. Jack said this morning at church that there's no way of knowing exactly how many people are praying for Poland at this time, but it might be more than has ever happened. It was an empowering thought- that as we're covered in prayer, God will give us more boldness and hopefully we'll see more fruit soon!"
An empowering thought, and a sobering one that motivates me. Jack's words this morning that the congregants cannot know how many people are praying for Poland stick with me. They inspire an idea for glorifying our God while uplifting the people and missionaries in Poland. We live in world where technology makes communication easy. Prayers for Poland can be e-mailed to Shelley and she will read them at the Poznan church to glorify God and encourage His people there.

1 comment:

Laura said...

It is that power of One thing ... one person in obedience (you) and One mighty big God produces a domino effect that is staggering. Thank you for sharing and giving me the privilege of praying for this ministry.
