Saturday, January 26, 2008

Erin Interview 1

Everyone can use a little of Erin's perspective. You won't get it here though.

Mom: Today you tasted German food. What did you try?
Erin: I tried... schnitzel.
(Erin and I disagree about my typing her responses word-for-word. Erin does not like that.)

Mom: What did you think?
Erin: It tastes good. (Mom, what are those dot dot dots?)

Mom:They show that something has been left out.
Erin: *silence*

Mom [repeats this question several times]: Will you eat it again?
Erin [finally]: Yes
(Interview comes to an end because Erin does not want her words typed.)

1 comment:

dabshire4 said...

If only Richard Nixon had adhered to the standards Erin does, things might have turned out very differently for him...